Chat/collaboration platform

Every day, you have messages to send to your employee, team members, group, department, or companies. The vehicle you use to send that message depends on many factors.

In my work, I usually think about four things when I begin to develop a communication plan within an overall change management program:

#1: The Receiver - who has to get the message and what you want them to know, feel or do when the message is delivered.

#2: The Type of Message - strategic, tactical, urgent, informational, inspirational.

#3: The Sender - Executive/Senior Leaders = Strategic/Company/Inspirational messages. Manager = Tactical/Urgent Action/Inspirational messages. Respective Function = Informational.

#4: Company Culture

The four considerations above help me work with the sponsor, change champion, and the person in #3 to chat the message and determine the vehicle.

Types of vehicles include • website posts • message or collaboration boards (like Slack and SharePoint), • video messages • small group meetings, large group meetings • training materials, games/trivia experiences • electronic notice boards in offices • computer desktop or application messages • good ole email • and, if the culture allows, even physical bulletin boards and desk drops.

No matter which path we take (of course, multiple ways are best!), it's best practice to reiterate why the change/event is happening from the company and employee viewpoint. Include a way for the receiver to take action, and give an interaction. Of course, a way to get more information is always good too.